1. Golf - It goes without saying at this point that I am playing at least 4 days a week. I'm waiting for my new clubs which are being built currently so I don't see a decrease in play coming anytime soon.
2. Sleep - A lost art in the day and age of the Blackberry and 24/7 information cycles, with only a cell phone to bother me it is very easy to turn it off and not catch up on messages for a few days, off the network, literally. I've even learned how to take a nap again.
3. BM5 (Buttermilk 5)- With the softball season getting into full swing I plan to spend extra time in the cages and taking grounders.
4. Sandwiches, Steaks and Overpriced Lunches -It's really great to catch up with everyone and spending some unhurried time with friends but after a while the $30 lunch takes a toll more on my stomach than my wallet. (*Reference Below) I have had more burgers and steaks in the last 4 weeks than in the last 4 months so at least I'm eating well as a deadbeat. I'm looking forward to grilling season after the little touch of summer we had a couple weeks ago and all the red meat I'm consuming. 
4. Cooking - I am quickly establishing my plan to open a Bar & Grill as I am working on the menu at home through a variety of experiments that have taken place but it's all coming together. Rising quickly on my current favorites list are:
Four Cheese macaroni with Bacon, Tomatoes and Croutons.
Grilled Chicken Enchiladas
Grilled Chicken Enchiladas
Beef Roast with Carmalized Onions & Carrots
Burnt Caramel Ice Cream and Molasses Cookie Ice Cream Sandwich
I would also say that Heather seems to be enjoying the fruits of my downtime through many meals which greet her at the end of the day, although some may have not been as enjoyable as others. (Sorry about the overcooked scallops, they burn fast!)
In the immortal words of my friend the Omelet "Yeah Sports" I have been lucky enough to go to a few Sox games including a great win over the Yankees and last Frid
ays beatdown of the Rays. I am expecting to get to a few playoff games if the Celtics and Bruins advance so between that and a couple hours of ESPN daily I'm fully versed in the sporting world currently.
I am also well versed in the daily TV lineup for those days when leaving the house doesn't always seem appealing.
5. Charlestown - I thought I would take a moment to point out what a wonderful place Charlestown is this time of year. I suppose most places are nice in the springtime but I have to say this area can make you appreciate a quiet sunny day as much as anywhere.
Only a few weeks left until NE'09 (Northern Europe 2009) begins with stops already booked for Stockholm, Helsinki and St. Petersburg as well as a short cruise. Final plans for the rest of the trip are being finalized and it should be a great time although the food may be somewhat challenging. I'm awaiting my Russian visa which should arrive any day now.
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